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The Power of Protection: Security With A Living Will

No one ever expects something bad to happen. But the truth is, life is unpredictable and circumstances can change in an instant. It’s essential to take steps now to protect your future. A living will gives you control over what happens if you become incapacitated or unable to make decisions for yourself due to illness or injury. Should anything unforseen occur, having one in place can make a world of difference.


Protect your rights and take the burden from loved ones by creating a living will. Don’t leave them wondering, faced with what may be a very serious decision. From outlining medical treatments to decision making! Empower yourself with a safety net for any difficult health care decisions down the road!

What is a living will?

A living will is a legal document in which you state your wishes about medical care if you become unable to make decisions for yourself. This usually will include how much care and treatment you want too. A living will is also called an advance directive.


Why are living wills important?

Living wills are an important part of estate planning. A living will is a document in which you state your wishes regarding end-of-life medical care. It may specify your end of life care wishes, but can also address other types of medical care, such as pain relief. Living wills are important for your loved ones to know what you would want in the event that you are unable to communicate your wishes yourself.

Loved ones are left to make hard decisions based on emotion if left without guidance. This leads to conflict in an already high-tension time. Making preparations helps avoid these problems, ensuring your wishes are followed.


Do I need an attorney to create a living will?

No, you do not need an attorney to create a living will. A living will can include preferences regarding life support or organ donation. A lot goes into creating one and may have different State requirements. Others may feel better hiring an attorney, but it’s not a requirement. If you have an eye for details, you may find it easy to prepare!


Is a living will legally binding?

No, but it’s still a great way to ensure that your wishes are known in an emergency situation. This document isn’t necessarily for you, but for those faced with some hefty decisons. A living will helps your loved ones know what you would want done in the event of your death. It also reduces any confusion or disagreement!


Does a living will require notarization?

Since a living will is not a legal document, it doesn’t require notarization. But it’s still a good idea for validating the document. Stay in control of major life decisions, even when you may be unable to communicate.



Having a living will is especially important if you have serious health conditions, but is a good idea in case of unforeseen medical circumstances too. Outlining your wishes for medical treatment ensures care you want without passing the burden to your loved ones. Creating a living will is a simple process! Let BlueNotary help get it done quickly and legally online. Don’t wait until it’s too late – take steps now to secure your future.