
Compliance Notarization Types of Notarization

Do Notarized Documents Expire? How about Online?

Do Notarized Documents Expire?

  1. Do Notary Commissions Expire?
  2. Do notarized documents ever expire?
  3. Do different types of notarized documents expire differently?
  4. How long are online notaries valid?
  5. Eligibility of an online notary
  6. Jurisdiction of online notarization
  7. Avoid these 7 mistakes to maintain a notarized document valid
  8. Where to find an online notary
  9. Notarize a document online with BlueNotary

1. Do notary commissions expire?

Most of the time, a notary public’s commission does not expire. A commission can last for years and will only end when it is revoked or suspended by the state authority that granted it. However, there are some states that require a notary to renew their commission regularly so they can continue to perform their duties.

On every commission the expiration date is displayed as well as on their electronic seals (provided by BlueNotary). It’s the notaries responsibility to ensure they are aware of their expiration date and to renew the commission before it expires.

2. Do notarized documents expire?

No, notarized documents do not expire. Once a document has been notarized it is valid indefinitely. However, if the document contains information that may no longer be accurate (such as an address or other personal information) then it should be updated accordingly. Additionally, some states/countries may have laws requiring certain documents to be renewed or updated after a certain period of time. It is important to check your local laws to determine if there are any additional requirements that must be met. In general, however, notarized documents remain valid indefinitely.

If you need to update a notarized document, it is generally recommended that you have the document re-notarized rather than just having the information changed manually. This ensures that all parties involved can trust the validity of the document and its contents. The notary will typically ask for identification from all parties in order to verify their identity before proceeding with the process. Afterward, the new version of the document will be legally binding and recognized as such.

In summary, notarized documents do not expire and remain valid indefinitely unless there are specific laws or regulations that require them to be updated or renewed. It is important to understand your local laws in order to ensure that all documents remain up-to-date and legally binding.

Make sure your Notary Commission is current

3. Do different types of notarized documents expire differently?

Some documents have renewal clauses added. These clauses can specify a certain period of time in which the document must be renewed, otherwise it will expire. It is important to read the entire document and make sure that you understand all applicable expiration or renewal clauses before submitting any notarized documents.

If there are any time specific clauses and conditions in the notarized document, it is a wise decision to seek out legal advice from an attorney. They will be able to explain the exact wording of the document, and advise you on how long it is valid for.

Additionally, some states may have laws or regulations that require certain types of documents to be renewed or updated after a certain period of time. It is important to check your local laws before notarizing any documents, or after the notarial act has been completed in order to ensure that all documents remain valid and legally binding.

Lease contracts in some states say that you can’t get a refund after 6 months. In these cases, it is important to make sure your notarized document matches the terms of the lease. As this clause expires, the notarization will remain effective but the clause will then be expired.

Seek out an attorney and consult with your local Secretary of State to make sure you are aware of any specific expiration or renewal clauses associated with notarized documents in your state. They will be able to ensure that all provisions for your legal documents are in order. Consulting with a lawyer is always recommended before submitting any notarized documents, as they will be able to provide valuable insight into the process.

4. How long are online notaries valid?

Online notaries are valid for the length of their commission. This is typically two to four years depending on the state in which they are commissioned. The expiration d

ate is displayed as well as on their electronic seals (provided by BlueNotary). It’s the notaries responsibility to ensure they are aware of their expiration date and to renew their notary commission prior to it expiring. After their expiration date, the online notarized documents are no longer valid.

It is important to check your local laws for additional regulations or requirements concerning online notarizations that may need to be met for your specific document types. Make sure you read the entire document carefully and make sure all parties understand the contents before submitting it to an online notary.

Online notarization from a traditional notary

In the scenario you are notarizing a document with an online notary with a traditional notary commission you will need to get your notarization done before their commission expires. The traditional commission might expire in the next three months, but the online commission might not expire for another year. In this case, the online notary commission will also expire with the traditional commission.

It can be wise to check with your online notary on the expiration date of their commission.

Online notarization vs. electronic notarization

Online notarization and electronic notarization are surprisingly considered two different things. Online notarization is a process that uses the internet and digital signature technology to verify the identity of all parties involved in an online transaction. This allows documents to be signed remotely without having to visit a physical location for notarization.

Electronic notarization, on the other hand, requires you to be physically present in the same location to perform you notarization. the use of specialized software used to digitally affix the electronic seal, electronically sign and securely store digital documents. The electronic signature is then validated by the notary public and can be used to authenticate legal documents.

Both processes are valid and secure, but it is important to understand the differences between them as they apply to your specific needs.

Eligibility of online notaries

5. Eligibility of online notarization 

Online notarizations are valid and legally binding in most US states. However, specific requirements for digital authentication may vary by state. It is important to check with your local authorities or Secretary of State office to ensure that the process you are using meets all necessary requirements for digital authentication in your jurisdiction.

When notarizing your document with an online notary, in most states, you need to check to make sure that they have Notary Commission Number or Identification Number.

Additionally, it is recommended that any documents submitted for a notarization be reviewed by an attorney prior to being signed and submitted. This will help ensure the validity of the document and protect all parties involved from potential legal issues.

In conclusion, online notaries can be an efficient way to complete documents remotely and securely however, it is important to understand the expiration date of their commission as well as any additional regulations or standards.

6. Jurisdiction of online notarization 

Online notarization is valid in most US states, but specific regulations or requirements for digital authentication may change by state. The jurisdiction of online notarization should always be checked with local authorities or the Secretary of State to ensure that the process you are using meets all necessary requirements for digital authentication in your state or territory.

Additionally, some states require an additional step such as a secure form of identification (such as a driver’s license) or two-factor authentication to verify the identity of all parties involved in an online transaction (like in Virginia). It’s important to check with your state laws prior to engaging in any online notarization activity.

Notaries are required to be physically in the state they are commissioned when performing the Online Notarization, which sounds limiting, but it does not apply to the signer. This means you can get your notarization signed from across state lines. In other words, you can be on vacation and still get your legal document notarized in your home state.

Over 43 states are now legal to perform RONZ just from the notary perspective and this are moving towards national adoption.

7. Avoid these 7 mistakes to ensure a valid notarized document

An incomplete notarial certificate

It is important that the notary correctly and completely filled out their Certificate of Notarization.(Please see the difference between a Notary Certificate and a Digital Certificate). This includes making sure that the signer’s name, date, and other necessary information are clearly stated. If there is Improper wording often times, a document may be notarized but still be legally unenforceable due to the way the notary certificate was filled out.

If some blank space is left incomplete in this notarial certificate, it can be considered invalid, and the document may not be accepted by a court or other legal body. It may also be considered invalid if you put the notary’s name or signature in the dedicated signers field.

Incorrect signer’s/venue name

Your notarial certificate will also include venue information. Venue information is the name of the state and county of the notary public.

When the notary is signing a document, they should ensure that all names are spelled correctly and accurately to prevent any issues of invalidity. Notarizing a blank or incomplete document is unacceptable as it kind of defeats the entire purpose of the notarization.

Make sure that person getting the online notarization (or in person) has all their spelling correct. If there is a mistake in typing or spelling, the notary can help by crossing out the error with a single line. Another correction method is to type the correct information and then sign the changes with the initials of the notary public’s.

Notary public’s are required to document all alterations in their journals for official record keeping. This is mandatory to do if you make a correction upon the customer’s request or if it is made on the notary’s own volition. Only the notary public can make these changes, not the signer.

This prevents any potential legal conflicts about the validity of the document in the future.

Expired notary seal

It is important for the notary to check their commission and make sure that their seal has not expired. An expired seal or commission can render the document legally invalid.

In most states, the notary public’s commission is for a set amount of time that must be renewed before it expires. It’s always important to ensure that the notary public is current before continuing with any notarization.

If the commission is current but the seal is inaccurate, this could also invalidate the document. Make sure that the notary takes the time to properly update their seal before continuing with the notarization. A diligent remote online notary platform will prevent this from ever occurring.

Don’t stamp over any text

This one should go without saying. The notary should never stamp over any text on the document. This can make it difficult to read and understand the content of the document which could lead to obvious questions about its validity.

In order to ensure that a notarized document is valid, it is important to follow all applicable regulations and standards. When in doubt, do additional

Using white out after a document is notarized

It is important to make sure that no changes are made to a document after it has been notarized. Doing so can invalidate the notarization and lead to potential legal issues. It is also important for all parties involved to understand the expiration date of their commission as well as any additional regulations or standards that need to be adhered to.

Using white-out on a document after it has been notarized can have the same effect as making changes to the document. This is why it is important for all parties involved to double-check all documents before they are notarized

Only notarize documents you understand

It is important for the notary to understand what exactly it is that they are notarizing. Reading through the document before affixing their notary seal on the page is always recommended.

If the notary is unsure of any information in the document, they should ensure that the proper questions are asked to avoid potential legal issues.

This will help to ensure that the notary understands what is being requested of them and also helps to prevent any potential legal issues down the road.

Overall, it is important for a notary public to understand the full scope of their job and to always abide by all state regulations. Notarizing a document without fully understanding it can lead to potential legal issues that are best avoided and even revocation of your notary license. By taking the time to understand what is being requested of them, a notary can better serve their customers.

Incorrect witness information

If a witness is required, it is important to ensure that the name and address of each witness is properly documented in the notarial certificate. If a witness’s information is left blank, or if the information is incorrect, the document may also be considered invalid.

A notary should also make sure that the witnesses are present for the notarization. If a witness cannot be present for the notarization, then their signature should be witnessed by another valid witness.

Finally, the notary should ensure that the signer is aware of all of their rights and responsibilities related to the document they are signing. This helps the signer understands exactly what it is they are agreeing to and avoids any potential legal issues down the road.

8. Where to find an online notary?

If you don’t know one individually, the quickest place to find an online notary is on a remote online notarization platform. These platforms provide access to certified and experienced remote online notaries who can handle all of your notarization needs quickly and securely. Many of these services also offer additional features such as identity verification and document storage which make them even more secure and convenient.

You can also search for online notaries in your local area using a service like Yelp or Google Maps. With this information, you can easily find a qualified and experienced notary to handle your needs. Additionally, many states now offer lists of approved remote online notary platforms who are authorized to perform notarizations at the highest level of authority (The Secretary of States through the NASS).

9. Notarize a document online with BlueNotary

In summary, online notaries can be a convenient and time-saving way to complete documents in a secure and compliant manner. By following all of the regulations and standards outlined above, notaries can ensure that their work is valid and accepted.

Online notaries provide convenient access to a wide variety of services and are becoming increasingly popular due to their ease of use and low cost. However, it is important to make sure that any notarized documents you submit remain valid and legally binding by understanding the applicable laws, regulations and expiration or renewal clauses of your governing body.

At BlueNotary, we make it easy to notarize documents online. Our platform is designed with the utmost security and compliance in mind, so you can rest assured that all of your documents will be accepted. Get started today and discover the convenience of remote online notarization.

For those who want to utilize the convenience of remote online notarization, BlueNotary offers an easy-to-use platform that provides an end-to-end solution for completing compliant notarizations. Get a document notarized now.

Happy notarizing!


BlueNotary Team. 🤗 📃 🖊️ 📜 ✍️ 💻 🔐 😄